Guidance 2025
Renewal in Ascension
Transformation & Accomplishment
Completion & Opportunities
Growth & Birth
Maturation & Creation
Installation of the Higher Love of 6D
Cosmic Portal 999
The Return of His Christic Presence
The Collective Awakening
The Assessment
Yes, we will take stock at the beginning of January of everything we experienced spectacularly in 2024 in order to lay the foundations for the Ascension of 2025! And what a great evolution awaits us.
Thank you, 2024; thanks to you, we have learned the importance of discipline, the wisdom of living in the moment that is already gone, and acclimating ourselves to the rapid pace of time, which continues to progress in 2025. You have shown us that it is better to accept our power in order to finally dare to be who we are and to be ready to enter 2025 in good vibrational conditions. To let go of what is no longer, all that and those who disrespect us. To put an end to submission and domination. To leave the past behind and bury it for good. You have shown us how much we progress and change. You have transformed us, determined us to evolve. You have been intense every day, and it is in the awareness of balance, in total coherence with our being, that we cross this passage, in a certain contemplation, as we understood and evolved toward greater wisdom, maturity, and consciousness.
May the hearts of men open to the new and powerful frequency of 2025.
May we be at peace, make peace, give peace, and receive peace.
May we finally be humans progressing toward greater wise consciousness, in the awakening of revealing reality.
May we redefine our conditions of existence and defend freedom and justice, healthy values, the sacred balance of masculine and feminine in sacred union, revolutionizing our dual concepts so that suffering ceases for all those who wish it in this world,
and that everyone may be free, at peace, secure, and abundant.
May the males defend the children and their mothers so that the ignoble may cease.
May all sensitive beings know progress on the path of ascension.
And make of their matter a divine earthly world
where their hearts will be their banner in the morning light.
Thank you to the Divine, to the Guides, to the Sun and the planets, to our Dear Earth, to our Galaxy, and our Universe and the Multiverses, the finite and the infinite, the One and the All, the immeasurable multitude, Love and its conscious force supporting, allowing all to exist. Thank you to Consciousness for experiencing through us its field of algorithmic possibilities. Thank you to Destiny, to Karma, to I and to We. Thank you to the infinitely small and the infinitely large. Thank you to Space and Time. Thank you to all of you here since 2004, when the site was created.
Thank you for all the good moments as well as the difficult ones. Thank you for LIFE.
Thank you, 2025, Ascension!
The year 2025 promises to be a crucial period of transformation and renewal, marked by powerful energies and significant revelations. Under the influence of collective ascension, this year invites everyone to introspect, to release what is no longer relevant, and to embrace opportunities for personal and community growth. Cosmic events and planetary alignments promise to bring profound changes, both individually and collectively, as humanity prepares to enter a new era.
Year of Awakening
The Year of Collective Awakening
For thanks to the Divine, the Divine Plan of Ascension, and everything we have been able to experience and establish in 2024, while also avoiding disasters through our co-creation power, our positioning in peace and non-duality, our acceptance of personal power, the liberation from our self-saboteurs, and the many whistleblowers and their allies who contribute in their own ways to opening consciousnesses and preserving freedom of expression and the dissemination of sometimes important non-mainstream information, we are now entering
the Last Phase of Collective Ascension.
The Collective Ascension consists of many periods.
In September 2024, we entered its final phase, which will lead us until 2030/35 at the latest.
Yes, we have 5 years left to allow our humanity to experience its planetary Ascension in peace and love on a large scale. 10 years to see the results.
5 years, 10 years is nothing. Knowing that it has taken millennia for us to bring about this frequency elevation and successfully complete this collective ascension, and barely a hundred years (if we speak from a linear point of view) since the Star Seeds and the Starchildren returned here to prevent this planet from experiencing the destruction of life that had been inflicted.
The last phase involves a plan that I will, of course, not disclose here as it must be preserved.
However, know this:
This is why you have felt since September 2024 this "inner pressure," this sense of urgency to be in place, to be where you are supposed to be, to do what you absolutely must do. There are several reasons for this: October and the turning point of events taken to avoid a world war and successfully achieve a positive change in various levels of consciousness. And congratulations! You did it! November brought about a significant political change that will have a global impact. December will conclude the year with the highest vibrational assessment and a crucial Christic temporal passage.
Thus, 2025 is the opportunity for the great collective awakening that will enter the gestation of a powerful renewal from this summer until the end of the year, to be born in 2026.
2025 and its flow of liberating revelations, the progress of the new behavioral paradigm, the installation of 6D consciousness to which I have been preparing you since 2016, and the return of Faith, free and without dogma, with the presence, HIS presence, Christic.
In 2027/28, it will be necessary, if we have not done so before, to transform our societies, to reform them thoroughly, especially in politics and social matters, to eradicate all forms of corruption and perversion that are plaguing everything globally. And to free ourselves from the toxic burdens disseminated in many ways to regain health, loyalty, courage, and freedom.
2030 will be the moment of reckoning. And the word is just. For we will be faced with the sum of everything we have done well and less well. The sum of our sufferings as well as our joys and the power of Being in the service of the DIVINE on Earth. The hour of assessment.
In 2035, the die will be cast. We will either be free peoples for at least 3 years, having rebuilt and established the new humanity and what needed to be, or we will have lost all dignity and freedoms. And we will know a new great total destruction as humanity has experienced before.
So we have 5 years left to continue producing this beautiful ascension of consciousness in the hearts and minds of human beings so that they can evolve toward a major necessary change for their freedom and the preservation of all living species on Earth, as well as in the Heavens, albeit differently, for the multidimensional fractal replica of this mass destruction will be without appeal.
Thus, the acceleration of time and the refinement of considerable spatial inter-planes that you will feel
a certain "obligation" to be in Total Coherence with your being at all levels: body/heart/soul/spirit, and therefore adapted living/work/relational spaces,
will significantly increase this year!
This will push and propel you to become the BEST VERSION of yourselves, that is to say, to embody your higher reality, your superior realities, and to connect with your multidimensionality in consciousness (which is obviously the best) to realize your incarnation and produce what you need to accomplish so that you leave here feeling fulfilled.
For the Starseeds, Lightworkers, Starchildren, the soul missions will call you very strongly this year, and it is time to receive new teachings specifically made for you! Thus, I hope you will be satisfied to have fulfilled your soul missions for this Collective Ascension once 2030 has sounded.
This last phase in which we entered in September 2024 offers us remarkable assets to succeed:
2025 is also
A Transcendence
The Completion of a Cycle
The Culmination for a Renaissance
A Collective Transformation at its most important and necessary foundations
The Gifts of 2025
2025 embodies a certain ideal of values to live by, to restore, and to rediscover.
It is sharing knowledge, learning a new spirituality that is more advanced and more embraced, regaining its nobility.
2025 encourages altruism, consideration of the suffering of others, mutual aid, coming together to achieve a goal, large-scale teaching, openness to the world, to the beyond, to beauty, to betterment
to the need for sharing with family, friends, the soul family, the group, the whole, the consciousness of We. (Remember, dear Starseeds, what we experienced together this year regarding this).
2025 emphasizes values of dedication but without sacrifice.
There are sometimes mysteries to unveil, and the mastery of one’s power is finally accepted.
Honoring one’s sensitivity as a strength, compassion, and generosity.
Fully living one’s feelings and love for the living Christic light forces shared in a faith that is free and without dogma, in a revelation of deep spiritual principles that leave us free and allow the Divine Presence to engage with the ineffable.
2025 is a mystical, spiritual year.
It offers opportunities for the expansion of consciousness.
To fully embrace one’s intuitions and extrasensory abilities in rapid progressions.
To experience personal and collective awakenings that will advance the establishment of the New Social, Mental, and Behavioral Paradigm for the collective.
2025 reveals as much as it captivates with revelations that promote growth, transcendence, and the breaking of illusions.
It also allows for a favorable increase in material wealth, improving daily living conditions and one’s living environment.
It is transformative, uplifting,
With temporal acceleration and a new consciousness of Space.
A necessary step back.
New organization.
Achievement and performance.
It is the end of a cycle, allowing for conclusions, finishing, closing, changing, stopping, completing, shutting, concluding,
and equally, the beginning of a new cycle, starting, opening, rebirthing, evolving, initiating, engaging, pursuing, renewing, inaugurating, undertaking.
Acceleration: everything will go fast, very fast, increasingly fast, for everything and all topics. Instantaneity.
The Challenges
of 2025
The forces at play will strongly emphasize:
Withdrawal into oneself, while balancing solitary meditation to reflect and fully open up to renewal.
Lack of sociability, irritability with or because of others.
Timidity, fear, discomfort, frustration, fatigue, and anxiety—too much accumulated suffering, emerging from states of depression, stress, and anxiety.
Self-deception, the feeling of failing to realize what the soul wishes to experience or to achieve ideals that are too high or too complex, and the sensation of having missed one’s mission due to too many delays accumulated over previous years.
Austerity and ambient mediocrity, boredom, lack of intelligence, now in a low frequency to better manipulate.
The courage and determination needed to realize this rich year. Setting goals at the beginning of the year and reviewing them in September, if the alignment with the will of the soul was not achieved earlier.
The rigor, justice, and necessary fairness—almost the irreproachability of every moment—to remain aligned and live harmoniously during this intense period of global transformations.
The awareness to allow growth, to go further, beyond, for awakening.
Accepting to love and be loved.
Reassessing how to give and receive and balancing it.
Progressing and changing again, evolving, transforming (yes, again).
Regaining strength (as 2024 was exhausting), thinking of oneself, prioritizing oneself.
Taking care of oneself, one’s health, and one’s needs.
Knowing how to be in a constant movement of forces in action while also allowing for much-needed rest this year.
Understanding one’s feelings, analyzing them, expressing them, and fully experiencing them in every moment.
Living in the immediacy and its powerful repercussions on all levels.
Opening up to multidimensional consciousness to fully grasp the necessary measures to live and improve the quality of daily life, as the energies are powerful.
Being aware of the galactic world, universal thinking, and the collective will face the reality of guides and star beings.
Wishing and acting in karmic releases to find and give peace to one’s lineage, shadows, and divine parts.
Being capable of discernment ++
And having faith +++
And letting go of all the painful, toxic, useless, obsolete, surpassed, and past experiences, forgiven, healed, clearly transcended, and integrated since we ABSOLUTELY MUST MOVE FORWARD!
2025 is about knowing what we want and what we no longer want.
It is about finding the strength of YES and NO, setting firm and respectful boundaries.
Emerging from submission/domination to preserve freedom of movement, speech, identity, and creation. We are nearing the end of collective karma. Thank you to all who have followed the teachings and practice the Keys of Ascension!
It is about accepting one’s power and radiating it!
2025 is about counting on the explosion of Artificial Intelligence, which will be everywhere, omnipresent in everything. Replacing certain jobs, and where we will have to both engage with it and protect ourselves from it. The technological and quantum revolution is here!
It is also a year of demonstrated violence, overwhelming fatigue from the peoples in response to political corruption, social and economic conditions, and all the lies and horrors perpetuated, leading to numerous social revolts occurring in many countries across all continents.
Finally, it is understanding that restrictions on CO2 are pure nonsense, as CO2 preserves Life! But it is essential to respect and honor the living by no longer polluting. We must stop producing plastic, avoid contaminating water and soil, halt chemtrails, Haarp, and others, and stop dumping poisons into supposedly drinkable water, preserve health, and stay far, far away from the deployed perversion.
To be indignant about too much violence in too many countries, including one’s own, and to act to ensure it stops.
Not recognizing one’s country as it has changed, losing its values and beauty, with a need for expatriation, to live elsewhere being disorienting.
To have fun, share, and be innocent and pure like children.
To protect children and let them be children!
To make choices and stick to them. To cut, decide.
To honor oneself, to grant oneself. To consider one’s fundamental needs, to prioritize oneself.
To learn, to grow.
To let go, to leave, to sort, to organize, to say goodbye, farewell, and thank you.
To build, to advance, to honor, to celebrate, to share.
To live fully one’s Ascension!
To have the need to live in a better and peaceful world, to find meaning, while the world loses it.
To manage the balance between matter/light, rest and action, solitude and sharing.
The Opportunities
2025 is a year 9 that favors gestation, birth, rebirth, and the demand for an ideal to be rediscovered, found, and especially lived fully. It is about giving birth to be reborn.
This year is characterized by great compassion and marked idealism. We will need to realize our dreams, but we will no longer want to sacrifice comfort, time, energy, and even financial resources to create a better world.
Our personal satisfaction will primarily stem from what we can offer to others and the world, for while we must completely move away from sacrifice, selfishness will also be entirely prohibited to achieve success, and that is for the best! This will be one of the great teachings of this year.
We will need to see things on a grand scale, open up to greatness and the wonderful. No longer will we consider ourselves small, see small, or do small things. The opening of possibilities and opportunities for success will be exceptional! Luck is to be seized. There are beautiful possibilities to become a leader in one's field.
Creativity will be at the center of everything this year, allowing for renewal, daring to try, explore, create, and satisfy oneself, to give in new ways, and to take care of oneself and others differently. The most artistic will be highly inspired this year and will explore other means and innovative concepts. This creativity will also manifest in the realms of computing, technology, AI, and space advancements, as well as in major discoveries that challenge foundational principles.
A certain demand will haunt us to give our best, to expand our capabilities, to evolve and enter a whole new consciousness and knowledge to apply. This will be very challenging but majestic to experience. We will need to find the balance between being satisfied with what we have and constantly progressing. Seeing reality as it is, without embellishing, while fully discerning and lifting the veils of Maya—of illusions—to attain Moksha, awakening. For it is time to build confidence in ourselves. The demands we place on ourselves will push us to strive for more/better/good, and others will have the same expectations of us, and we will have them for others, in all areas. This could be very tiring but motivating. For this, a well-organized structure will be necessary! There must be a framework and accuracy that will provide security.
No more sacrifices this year; we seek balance! Giving of oneself, yes! But no longer to one’s detriment! This will lead to deep and sudden healings.
The more we give, the more we receive; this adage will be even more valid this year. As mentioned earlier, all success will come from our generosity, from what we wish to deliver to the world, but without sacrificing ourselves in any way. We will allow ourselves success, abundant finances, and money can come from successful work, inheritance, or sudden gains, as we will have accepted our own greatness, our vibrant potential.
Also, because we are at the end of one cycle and the beginning of another very liberating one at the karmic level, which will greatly lighten our lives. We will thus resolve major, old, toxic conflicts that are degrading and humiliating, moving into our sovereignty, enriching both our being and our daily lives.
Romantic and pure, this year champions love that has values, that commits, builds, and reassures. A tender love that feels good may mark your path with a significant romantic and/or professional encounter. Your destinies will align. In couples, a child may arrive, the construction of a common project, or an official commitment. We will desire the durable, the secure, the reassuring, peaceful yet passionate!
Centered on our ideals, if they are difficult to manifest or take too long to arrive, the vibrational disagreements will be so strong that they will lead to frustrations with fluctuations in mood, becoming distant, timid, grumpy, or ungrateful, or blaming others and the world for our problems. Therefore, there will be a need for self-analysis, an almost constant back-and-forth with oneself to better understand, better analyze the situation, and not take everything personally.
In a year 9, we must take a step back to evaluate our lives objectively. To find balance and remain sincere in everything we undertake. We cannot pretend, do things halfway, or do what we do not want. A true self-examination comes into play; being aware of our flaws and qualities with clarity will improve our self-esteem.
All of this highlights the complexity of human nature and the necessity for balance. A conscious Ascension of consciousness! The encouragement to remain honest with ourselves and others, in strong authenticity, is a value that establishes itself this year.
Having a new vision of ourselves, a new perspective on our work and our potential will allow us to rediscover a sweet way of living, while engaging in meaningful actions, social or spiritual movements, everything that enables us to reach our ideals and live them fully is reinforced this year.
Naturally, this will lead us to set our boundaries, to greater respect, and to return to the I that nourishes the We.
The Collective Vibrational Trends
of the Year:
Here is a brief summary of the trends for the months, which will be detailed on the site as we go along, of course. I remind you that the guidance is global and collective. Therefore, not everything can be detailed, and dates may change, and some events may not happen if we effectively engage in positive co-creations by meeting the challenges and accepting the gifts each month. Challenges and Gifts can be found in the detailed monthly guidances. Thank you. Please understand that we are all becoming stronger co-creators than before, and even our Universe is pushing us toward this. Thus, even more strongly than in previous years, we can change everything at every moment!!!
I repeat, if you haven’t read the previous paragraph… Everything can evolve since we are co-creators. This is therefore a major trend that you will read about below, but refer to the monthly guidances for much more detail.
January - March/April - June - September - December
1st Quarter: Stay up to date, get organized, prioritize, think of yourself, and value your needs. Study, apply, elevate yourself, take stock, finish, and renew. The lines are shifting, the frameworks are exploding. The collective is gathering and revolting on fundamental and essential issues.
January: is important. It is fundamentally the month of seeding for the rest of the year, especially here, as it will influence the pivotal months that follow: March, April, and September, which are the three key months not to miss for a good year. Therefore, everything you can do in terms of organization, preparation, health preservation, defining what you want to experience in your relationships, and putting an end to everything that needs to be done, is THIS MONTH! Rest, prepare, propose, dare, act, plant seeds, plan, organize, reflect, cultivate yourself, learn, relearn, love, and see! Thus, the year will be fruitful! Beware, it is in January that we prepare for an important pivotal situation in March. By getting organized and prioritizing, everything should go well. It is essential to act, not to let go or deviate from your goal.
January/February: Significant global revelations are coming, with horrible scandals. This will awaken the most dormant among us to a part of earthly reality. Manipulations regarding extraterrestrial appearances will also continue (having started in December), but there are also real ships of light mingling with those very terrestrial drones, yet with advanced technology. Discernment will need sharpening! Moreover, political reshuffles and social revolts in many countries will add to the very tense climate. Much too much violence, even attacks, are unfortunately possible. It is not so much racism that is on the rise but rather a difficult coexistence, as there is a loss of identity in territories (which has been desired by the same few) and total disrespect against a backdrop of violent injustice. Some peoples will go as far as to revolt to obtain their rights and security. Some will even achieve the resignation of their government. It is urgent that corruption be stopped and a complete overhaul of our social, educational, and political systems be considered. France, for its part, is increasingly losing everything it was along with its values. But its people still do not move… or not enough. The “turncoats” among so many media, political, spiritual, artistic, and many others will be laughable, as the so-called “conspiracy theorists” and “illuminated ones” (not in the good sense of the term) were right about everything. We who have been so discredited and tarnished for so many years! The truth rings and disturbs. A restructuring of the systems is underway. Political reshuffles will be numerous until April/May. By summer, a great liberation will occur.
February: We might feel fatigue, a weariness with this collapsing world that is to be rebuilt, and it will be rebuilt, but we would like it to happen faster. Faster also in the revelations that would allow for radical change. Alongside this, there is an irrepressible need to think of oneself, to prioritize oneself, so that things progress in a great renewal. We will question everything, or almost everything. A great need to meet new people, adopt new habits, do things differently, travel, move, change, and evolve will be prevalent. We think of ourselves, we do good for ourselves, we organize or reorganize, we learn, study, elevate ourselves, and it works! A decisive passage! Do not give up during this period, keep your strength, and put things in place. Work, make the right effort. Preparation to be ready in March. The Soul is calling strongly, demanding to be fulfilled!
March: is a determining month, and many trials may resurface, but also great fundamental releases. It is important to stay focused, to think of oneself and one’s priorities here in order to accomplish all the necessary organization to update one’s administrative, professional, and large-scale projects, as well as manage finances well. However, by having accomplished everything that needed to be done in the first quarter and being up to date on all necessary work and obligations, you will experience great success and a considerable opportunity for luck here. Do not miss this! March brings a conclusion to the efforts made throughout the trimester. The notion of “it either works or it breaks” will be felt. Strong elevation! Considerable ascension if one has worked well in January and February, prioritizing oneself and responding to vital needs and those of the soul, as its missions call strongly. This month must not be missed from a professional and organizational standpoint.
2nd Quarter: We take care of ourselves, analyze, reflect, act, question, and elevate ourselves. Social paradigm shift. The collective progresses toward its liberation.
April: Either everything goes well because we have made the first quarter fruitful, or it is more difficult, and we must start over, tackle the task, find our way, heal a situation we no longer want to live, deal with things we thought were settled, etc. It is thus hard for some, super fluid for others, with the feeling of a new life finally approaching or having been realized! Either we breathe or we get back to work… Emotions will therefore be strong. Travel, elsewhere, is calling powerfully! Listening to the heart and soul here will be crucial. We leave, we let go, we cut ties, but we must stop dragging our feet! Significant reassessments are underway. Strong political movements. Societies are imploding. Saturation and exasperation are growing. Revolts are brewing. Change ++
April/May: Strong paradigm shift. Implosion. Revelations. Elevations! It shakes things up!
May: Encounters, friendships, improvements in love, or a new perspective on many subjects arrive strongly this month!
June: Continues what is experienced in May. Then from the 26th, communication needs to be reassessed to move forward. We study, we elevate, we grow. We question ourselves, reflect, rectify, change again, plan, remove, structure, revolutionize!
3rd Quarter: A great need for freedom and significant transformation of daily life and/or our society, peace, vacations, and a certain rest. We surpass ourselves, we liberate, or we despair of being still here.
July: Things are moving, energies are strong; we want to live fully and do other things!!! We look elsewhere, we travel, we let go, we leave for good, we turn the pages, we liberate, we heal, we study (yes, again), we learn (always), and we move forward for good!!! Great change in consciousness, a level-up, and a new consideration of oneself! A pivotal turning point to take into account! Surprises and attentions will allow for great reunions. If you found love in the spring, there is a strong chance it will progress here. If you want to meet someone, they will arrive, and if you want change, it will happen!!!
July/August: A need to have fun, to experience lightness, and to realize a dream.
August: Reunion, freedom, travel, change, pleasure. This month of August is closely related to what could have been experienced in May. To feel better, revisit the events of May. Do a preliminary assessment that will be very useful in September… A huge change in consciousness, attitude, and a great need for freedom will be present.
September: Oh my, the renewal is felt, but so is frustration! We want to throw everything away, to be more in tune with ourselves, in total solar coherence. We dive back into doing and being, feel frustrations, and revisit our fundamental foundations to see if we have truly healed, surpassed, or repeated them. Ouch, ouch, scrunch, yuck.
4th Quarter: We initiate major eco-social change and evolve the paradigm shift! Reassessments and a need for strong and true evolutions. We can no longer tolerate mediocrity, falsehood, nonsense, and the unnecessary.
October: is directly linked to what you experienced in September. Either you are on track and everything goes well in joy, or it’s chaos, saturation, and you send everything or almost everything flying! Significant reassessments. A little wild side is okay, but violent savagery is out of the question! Self-knowledge and awareness of one’s needs will help considerably.
September/October: Permutations and societies on the brink of explosion. Political reshuffles absolutely necessary in several countries.
November: Reassessments for everyone here. Decisions to be made. Change again. Acceleration once more. Keeping the rhythm is necessary but difficult. Fatigue, rest. A major event is coming, but on the day (early January) when I write this, I do not yet know what it is. However, it provokes a certain emotional tidal wave, and I envision a crater, a hole. Nevertheless, I see that if January/February/March are well navigated, this hole disappears… and instead, there is a mountain, an elevation in its place, and a certain tranquility, and the energies of November will be significantly cooler.
December: Ahhh, this month will finally be settled. Rested even. A certain softness, a floating feeling is present. Well-deserved vacations, but also a new frequency that has been operating since March, September, and October. We will have “run” all year long, and we will be happy to take the time to live… There are still some economic disturbances or a slight dip in morale for far too many people.
I advise you to read the monthly guidances for more details or to see if we will have co-created better or differently.
The Birthing
This year is also closely linked to the Divine Mother, to the birthing of a new, powerful beginning.
We are completing a great cycle to begin a new one. The gestation of a new world is underway, and it will come to life in the last quarter of the year, taking its first breath in 2026. Here, we develop and bring its gestation to fruition.
Thus, the strength of our maternal and paternal aspects will take a remarkable rise this year. Just like the presence and love of the Divine Mother, and Mother Earth as well, who is changing her frequency and rising with each passing day and night of this transformative year. The very first week of the year will manifest this wonderful new frequency to become. This frequency will progress as necessary evolutions unfold throughout the year.
We are all in the process of birthing, of bringing to fruition, of conceiving a vast work of opportunity and renewal. We will deliver our Divine Presence to the world.
The Earth, aided by the Father, the Mother, and the Son, is birthing the consciousness of the 6th Dimension: Superior Love. This means being capable of loving in the purity of being, in infinite tenderness, which brings freedom and peace, which never takes but always gives, which ennobles and magnifies, which is pure joy, embodied wisdom, and non-dual consciousness. This Superior Love prepares us to reach toward, to become the unconditional love that only the Divine can fully express and that is found in the 12th dimension. This will propel us toward a completely different consciousness of ourselves, of the whole, of the group, of our true needs, of our daily considerations, of what is essential for our well-being (people, objects, feelings, actions, and sensations) and consequently, will highlight all that is unnecessary, obsolete, vile, false, unjust, hatred, and its suffering.
For more knowledge about higher dimensions, see my book THE TIME OF THE JUST, which will finally be released in 2025.
This 6D Superior Love will settle in this new year for all earthly lives and no longer just for a few advanced souls, in order to spread a love that is broader, larger, more serene, and reassuring. Where there is indeed repression and a loss of fundamental values and freedoms, there is a counterbalance through this luminous and totally Christic power of love, which is being birthed and manifesting its Presence in the collective. Thus, the return of the “Collective” Messiah is on the way in 2025.
Whether small or large, the calls from your souls to realize your incarnations will be powerful this year. 2025 is also about paying attention to your own children, to the relationship with our parents, to taking care of our inner child, ensuring that children do not suffer anymore and are fully respected as children, and keeping them safe from perversion is paramount!
Gentlemen, fathers, it is urgent that you finally protect them, as well as their mothers.
Show the violent masculine that you no longer condone it.
This year, the masculine will be greatly challenged to let go of its toxicity. The toxic masculinity must now give way to a mature, protective, strong, sincere, sensitive, honest, and upright masculinity. To be a Man in his sovereign power.
Furthermore, gentlemen, there will be a real need for you to be accompanied by other Men as well. This year marks the expansion of Men’s Circles, finally!
Being a Man in his sovereign power will resolve millennia of abuse. It is high time for our humanity to experience respect. Women will need to support them, to reclaim their place in their daily lives, to heal their wounds, and to respect and value themselves finally, so that they no longer endure toxic and violent relationships. They will need to honor their own femininity so that Men can take their place alongside them. The nobility of the protective and committed masculine must be reborn and regain a beautiful and true chivalrous and regal value, with the necessary updates reflecting the evolution of our era.
The Return of HIS Presence
Thus, the return of the Messiah, but “Collective” is on the way in 2025.
This is great and magnificent news! Yes, the return of HIS presence is.
And as HIS presence manifests more, it will vibrationally support the masculine in its radiating strength. It will help men open their sacred space within, connecting the heart chakra and the sacred in consciousness, in the noble service of Love, and thus of the sacred feminine.
It will allow women to feel safe and to radiate their sacred feminine power by daring to deploy it.
It will help children remain children and ensure that adults protect them.
Thus, the palpable sensation of Christic forces, the real and numerous Christic presences manifested here, your connections to your Guides and Ascended Christic Masters, will strongly guide you throughout the year and enable extraordinary holistic healings and a great new spirituality.
This spirituality will return to its main foundations, and the great teachers and teachings will finally be valued. The collective will also be more prepared for this. Each person moving toward their inner truth and ascending will need to hear wise words but, above all, to truly feel THE Christic presence. Here, great discernment will also be necessary!
The Return of the
Christic Presence
HERE THE MEANING IS: without dogma, without religion, just the presence of Love that incarnates more and radiates, with all its being here everywhere for children, for the loving, just, sensitive, weak, sick, or oppressed living beings, for the good, the noble and dignified, nature and animals to establish peace and not make war. The Love of living beings, respecting life.
Discernment is Required Here: ⚠️ 🚨
We must be very careful of false prophets,
of illusionists and the illusioned,
of various vibrational manipulations,
of hallucinatory projections,
of holograms like Blue Beam,
of false beliefs,
of cults,
of false religious or abusive deviations,
of extremes, deviants, and terrorizing elements,
of religious conflicts,
of fearful or ignorant humans, or both, who do not question and complacently accept it,
of true disinformation,
to maintain discernment and personal power!
The Collective Holds in Its Conscious Heart HIS Presence
It is HIS vibration of love that spreads everywhere in everyone, and not that of an ultimate savior as previously experienced. If HE were to return as a single person, they would kill him again, not even recognize him anyway, and prevent him.
Whereas in the heart of all beings, HE rises and grows; they can do NOTHING, even if they have tried (religious and even spiritual divisions, pandemics, and repression of freedoms, notably, attempts at deviation through the establishment of evil shown and advocated on a large scale by leaders and those who lead them).
All those who are ready, good and just in their hearts will know that the time has come. Your heart, your soul will tell you.
You will need to follow the path of your heart, listen to your intuition, and feel HIS divine presence of love.
Maintain total trust in your love for HIM.
A new Faith will be reborn, free and without dogma.
The great religious figures will fall as revelations also arrive at this level (type Pope).
The openings to other worlds and interstellar and multidimensional presences will begin on a large scale this year and further in 2026.
Proof of Multidimensionality will be given. Much of what I have taught since the year 2000 in this regard will be spread massively, scientifically speaking this time.
Including the notions of Space and Time will be revolutionized… (see my book: THE TIME OF THE JUST).
This will also be the opportunity
to live consciously
and multidimensionally
the great cosmic portal 999.
COSMIC PORTAL 999 9/9/2025
A Portal of Ascension to Superior Love of 6D Consciousness!
999 is a symbol of progression, manifestation of divine forces, completion, conclusion, or the end of a cycle. This will provoke ascensions through positive upheavals, paving the way for strong and new possibilities to be fully experienced!
Key dates: September 9, 2025, and the 18th and 27th will be remnants of these energies.
Once we pass through this portal, we will live in its new ascensional frequency until the next COSMIC PORTAL, which will take effect on 10/10/2026 and will mark a huge and powerful revolutionary renewal in many ways. We will discover how next year… but first, we must live the rich and ascensional experiences of this year!
The birthing process initiated in 2025 will be perfectly fulfilled at the Cosmic Portal in 2026.
The next Portal 999 will be on 9/9/2034.
The previous one was in 2016, so remember what you experienced during that time.
We find again the power of 9 in this cycle. This aligns with the success of our collective ascension in this final important phase, which will conclude in 2035.
Transformation and Renewal: Embrace change, as we will understand! And move into your personal and collective vibrant ascension!
Spirituality and Awakening: A call to collective awakening or to a deeper awareness. A path of inner truth and/or your life mission is revealed! The 999 portal allows for a very significant ascension and manifestations of concrete ideals! The GIFTS awaken even more. A clear and reinforced spiritual progression is evident this year.
Ambition and Progress: Noble goals are aimed for and achieved; ambitions are high. Significant emotional and sentimental upheavals often occur during a Cosmic Portal of this magnitude.
Discernment and Wisdom: Here too, let us exercise patience and wisdom, as the vibrations of this Portal are powerful and renew entire aspects of our daily lives. It is crucial to recognize the tests, retain the lessons learned, and not repeat the same mistakes while allowing oneself to be carried by the ascensional renewal that will strongly urge us to listen to the heart and soul before all reason.
Success and Recognition: Success to be lived, victories to be won, richness of heart, or significant gains, economic enrichment, professional recognition, awaited fulfillment, this 999 portal allows us to reach noble spheres. The divine guidance will be numerous, and it will remain important and necessary to want to elevate one’s daily, social, professional, and especially spiritual condition.
Revaluation of the Self Aligned with the SOUL: We have had the chance to experience the 777 PORTAL in 2023 and then the 888 in 2024, which have greatly prepared us for this one. We are therefore ready to embody new values, to radiate our HIGHER SELF, to behave differently, and to bring healthy values into our daily lives and societies. A reconsideration of ourselves, with a more just and benevolent perspective, more compassionate towards ourselves as well as others, is emerging.
Freedom and Justice: These will be the noble letters to defend once again. Here too, there are demonstrations of how the revaluation of the SELF allows one to embody the true Self once it is aligned. The thirst for justice ignited last year becomes a driving force for accomplishment and collective change. We respect ourselves better and wish for others to respect us. We will move toward a global political and social overhaul.
Galaxy and Universe: This COSMIC PORTAL opens a great door to the consciousness of higher realities. Thus, our solar system engages in a new frequency, as does our galaxy. This beautiful Milky Way unites more and more with its counterpart Andromeda, and their galactic union will generate this year a wonderful frequency of federative and elevating change.
SUPERIOR LOVE OF 6D: As mentioned earlier, it is without forgetting the establishment of the Superior Love of the 6th dimension, which I have been teaching you since 2016. Here, it establishes itself for all lives on EARTH and thus in our Galaxy as well.
This marvelous conscious love will shake us with its strength of love. Also very Christic, totally without dogma, it is the vibrant presence of the ONE, of what it truly means to love in purity.
An opening in the progression of capacity and restoration in the healing of our DNA, which has been too mistreated in recent years. It is about taking care of health, of the living, of the whole, of group values, of our place within and with others.
It will bring new encounters, emotional upheavals, ascensions of consciousness, and an exponential purification of our beings and our relationships in all areas of life (family, love, friends, group, work, health, spirituality) to strive for the best of ourselves to give and therefore to live.
Connections with GOD and the DIVINE world, with Guides and stellar and galactic Beings will be intense, numerous, and beautiful throughout the year!
We open ourselves to the grand, the beautiful, the good, the sensitive, the true, and the indispensable in our lives.
Important Celestial Phenomena
Cosmic Portals often bring major events in our skies. Here they are:
Exceptional Planetary Alignment
Starting January 21, 2025: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn will align almost perfectly in the sky on the same line!!! This rare occurrence demonstrates the importance of the energetic and cosmic events we will experience starting in January and throughout the year.
It will be essential to read and/or listen to the monthly guidance podcasts to fully understand all the major stakes involved!
Furthermore, this planetary configuration will provide the necessary support for the significant vibrational change that is set in motion this year. A DETERMINING EVENT FOR OUR CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION THAT I MUST TEACH YOU, as I have been preparing you for it… always! This will be available to read and hear in January on the site!
This planetary alignment is a sign of the great change we will experience this year!
When these planets align, their combined energies create a powerful moment for personal and collective development, creating a space for significant transformations: relationships, careers, and spirituality.
WARNING! The powers that be will not want this ascension, as usual, so this may serve as a pretext for triggering wars or other conflicts such as false flags or chemical vibrational manipulations. BUT DO NOT FEAR AND STAY ALIGNED with this great moment!
The TRUTH will burst forth!
It will compel you to know what you want to experience, to allow yourself to experience it, and to dare the powerful transformation underway!
A New Star Will Appear
A Flamboyant Star, or less poetically known as T Coronae Borealis, in the constellation of the Northern Crown.
I would add that, according to my feelings, it should be visible in February/March.
It exhibits variations in brightness over time as its red giant transfers mass to the dwarf star accompanying it. It is a “Nova,” which is the sudden brightening of a star. And it is a recurring Nova, as it has a cycle of 80 years.
Its Symbolism: It is actually a binary star system—a red giant and a white dwarf. When they unite and burst forth in their powerful clarity, they will be visible to the naked eye for a few days and will shine as brightly as the North Star! This will indicate to us, according to the message received through channeling:
We will enter a new era.
It will activate our heart chakra and a higher elevated chakra, together and simultaneously, so that we receive an important update of our incarnation missions. There will be a kind of stellar symposium of Ascended Masters and the Galactic Confederation of Light.
This will be THE opportune moment when the vibrational shift will occur in connection with everything I have explained to you above and the major teaching movements of the year.
At that moment, a powerful energy will pour into our Galaxy, reaching us, knowing that it is located over 2500 light-years from Earth.
Its luminous activation will therefore produce a beneficial, elevating, and transformative wave, allowing great pillars of light to descend and effect a remarkable ascension of consciousness.
From there, a notable change will occur, and how fortunate we are to experience this consciously in a lifetime. It will be very much linked to the new frequency of love of 6D, the strong Christic presence we will feel, and the possibility of leveling up on soul healings, incarnations, and karma.
A welcome boost!
And above all, a lot of love to receive!
2025 and the Revelations
Yes, again this year and at least until 2028, the elevating Revelations will intensify and shake our societies in many ways to help evolve those resistant to the truth. Our societies will be upheaved and destabilized by these new revelations:
networks of trafficking and global human exploitation, particularly among celebrities and so-called “elites”
terrifying corruption
extraterrestrial lives
top-secret political files
media, climate, chemical, and vibrational manipulations
war games
unlimited potential of the human brain
power of artificial intelligence
quantum revolution
new currency
repression of freedoms
Many people will struggle to believe it, as they have been manipulated, conditioned, lobotomized, hypnotized, robotized, and rendered simple-minded—the decline in IQ is truly concerning, as they are satisfied with living the little they have as if it were too much, accepting vice as normal, and mediocrity as a victory.
But we are no longer there. We are no longer living small, cramped, exhausted, separated by issues of money, loneliness, isolation, and insecurity.
We will need to evolve on all these issues that are festering in our societies to allow this superior love to progress and extend its truth. And that is what will happen. It is also because this love is further incarnating that the numerous revelations will occur at many levels.
Including with ourselves, as we will need to embody our Divine Presence truly. This means becoming our higher selves, our divine reality here in our humanity.
In 2024, we have already begun to do this, and here we affirm it.
The ascension that will occur will be considerable.
Faith will be the guiding thread of this year.
A free faith, without dogma, in the face of so much stupidity and religious deviations that lead to their downfall through their insidious greed for power.
Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2025
I love the powerful moments that eclipses bring. They are always moments to consider, referring to what we are experiencing at that time, and the importance of paying attention to them allows us to resolve situations and make significant progress. This year, the eclipsing energies are intensified due to planetary positions.
Lunar Eclipse on March 14, 2025:
Reevaluation of Projects and Priorities: This is the ideal opportunity to come together, pause, and reflect on what we truly want. To give a new momentum, a coherent new structure to our projects, and to take action effectively. Establish clear, precise goals that are fully in alignment with ourselves, even if it means postponing certain matters to focus on more urgent priorities. Thinking of oneself and ongoing affairs is crucial! We must not allow ourselves to be distracted or deviate from our objectives. Make clear choices and initiate positive changes in your life.
The collective will also experience this need to restructure, to find meaning, and a certain global cohesion will go in this direction.
Solar Eclipse on March 29, 2025:
Material Security: This could mark the beginning of new opportunities and a new significant cycle to take into account.
In particular, in the areas of financial security, personal values, and relationships seeking quality over quantity.
Careful Consideration: It will be essential to take the time to weigh the pros and cons before acting, to reflect, and to organize oneself well here! It is crucial to pay attention to details, to not have administrative delays, to forget nothing, and to avoid making decisions lightly. The influence of events here will either negatively impact or benefit your well-being for the rest of the year!
Caution in All Following Areas:
Reevaluation: A reevaluation of our resources and our approach to personal security, professional matters, administration, material possessions, and finances. How we live our relationship with money, our limits, constraints, and obligations. How we allow ourselves to experience abundance; how we spend, manage our budget, and stay in the flow of life.
What’s Important for Oneself: It is imperative to know our priorities here and to give them our full attention, so we can fully and serenely live them starting in spring and especially into summer. We are sowing a new direction we wished to take in November 2024 (remember the guidance and the guided meditation: taking the direction of one’s soul). Here, the materializations begin.
Organization: A lack of rigor could cost dearly here! And bring back issues experienced in July/August 2024. Pay attention as well to the events of your January and organize yourself sufficiently early to be in total alignment with what awaits you administratively, financially, and professionally starting in March.
Karmic Liberation: This will also be an opportunity for intense and significant karmic healings and releases regarding notions of lack, giving/receiving in balance, greed, inheritance, and possibilities of sudden monetary gains. There is a possible karmic return here, either good or less good depending on each person.
Lunar Eclipse on September 7, 2025:
Significant Karmic Emphasis: In many ways, both personally and collectively. The eclipse invites us to take a step back:
Taking a Step Back: We take a step back on all subjects... an irrepressible need to be in phase with oneself, in peace, in total harmony, to deeply heal everything that is wrong, strongly shakes us in all areas! A painful weariness with the behavior of our societies is overwhelming this fall.
Introspection and Reflection: To such an extent that we consider spiritual retreat, isolation, withdrawal, total mindset and behavior change, as well as a paradigm shift at the collective level, while simultaneously feeling a strong need to explore new knowledge and opportunities, but without the global turmoil.
Setting Our Boundaries: The notions of refuge, sincerity, and even authoritarian severity regarding the need to set our limits are enormous.
Anxiety and Emotional Saturation: Many may feel lost or struggle with intense emotional difficulties.
Solar Eclipse on September 21, 2025:
Responsibilities and Limits We Must Acknowledge:
Lifting Illusions: Meanwhile, the Opposition to Neptune suggests potential illusions and disappointments. This moment is conducive to reflection and meditation, encouraging us to anticipate obstacles and discern traps to navigate our path better. It’s an opportunity to clarify our intentions and strengthen our resilience in the face of upcoming challenges. Take the time to evaluate your projects and define concrete strategies to move forward with confidence and wisdom.
Reassessments: On all topics. We question ourselves, we need more coherence with our deep aspirations and shared values. We wish to live differently, work differently, love differently, and share differently. A crashing return of the need for more/better/good comes back, as we are frustrated or dissatisfied. Emotions are heightened, and a weariness with the political-media-social situation adds to what is already unacceptable! Yet we have made progress, but we do not see it sufficiently, or we want more and faster!
Consequences of Summer: All of this is closely related to what we will have experienced in August. Refer to what you experienced positively and negatively, and you will have an idea of the saturation or, conversely, the possible satisfaction surrounding this eclipse.
Astro Chinoise
2025 = A Year Under the Protection of the Wood Snake in Chinese Astrology (from January 29, 2025)
Wisdom, Intuition, Mystery, Power, Creativity, Sensuality, Sacred Sexuality, Renewal
A powerful year lies ahead! Very spiritual and set to boost us in accomplishing what we wish to achieve.
In Chinese culture, the Snake is a powerful symbol of wisdom, intuition, and mystery. Individuals born under this sign are often perceived as intelligent, shrewd, and highly analytical. The energy emitted by the Snake encourages deep reflection and promotes a strategic approach to the challenges encountered.
This totem animal invites us to explore the intricacies of our minds and develop a finer understanding of the world around us. It encourages us to accept our personal power to better stand in our sovereignty!
Remember! 2024 has taught us this, and now we will apply it.
The Wood element, associated with growth, creativity, and harmony, will bring a revitalizing dynamic throughout this year. This period will be marked by a strong propensity to develop new ideas and initiate ambitious projects. Wood also symbolizes renewal, making it a propitious time to plant seeds of success that can flourish over time. It will be a year where personal and professional expansion is encouraged, and the collective will embark on a new and powerful path of Ascension!
The Gifts:
Amplified Intuition: During this year, decisions will often be guided by enhanced intuition. It is essential to listen to your inner voice and follow your instincts, as they will lead you to informed choices.
Creativity and Innovation: Wood fosters creative momentum. It is an ideal time to explore innovative concepts and engage in artistic, creative, and recreational activities that stimulate the imagination and soothe the mind.
Wisdom and Reflection: This year encourages taking the necessary time to reflect before acting. January will show us this, especially as it is the first month of the year where we sow the seeds of our projects for the coming months. The energy of the Wood Snake encourages a measured and strategic approach in all aspects of life, whether personal or professional. It’s important to reflect, discern before acting, know what you want to experience, completely let go of outdated pasts, act correctly, and move forward on the wise path.
The Path of the Just: This will be significantly strengthened this year, both in its balancing energy and in its rigor, providing a secure framework in daily life.
The Opportunities:
Personal Growth: The Year of the Wood Snake represents a unique opportunity to develop our skills and acquire new knowledge. Be open to enriching learning experiences. Seek what nourishes the soul as much as the body, what fulfills and delights you. Hearing and feeling the Soul’s plan, and producing the actions that the soul wishes to realize will become increasingly prominent. Aligning with your soul's will means entering complete balance of body, heart, soul, and spirit (see Solar Coherence 3 provided this year to help you with this) and allowing yourself to feel a true union with the Divine, the Whole, the Universe, the Higher Consciousness that governs everything: MultiVersal Love.
Enriching Relationships: Human interactions will be highlighted. We will need to step out of our solitude, meet new people, or expand our social circle. Take advantage of this time to establish authentic and deep connections with those around you, which can strengthen both personal and professional relationships.
Advancement of Projects: The creative energy that characterizes this year will support you in fulfilling your aspirations. Implement your ideas and fully engage in achieving your goals. Following the heart's path and the path of the just will be your best allies (see teachings on the 2025 agenda).
Altruism and Compassion: Selfishness should be banished this year, as the Universal Plan has other projects for our Collective Ascension. Large altruistic projects will be crowned with success.
The Challenges:
Overcoming Isolation: In the Year of the Snake, one can sometimes be reserved, solitary, withdrawn, and observant. It is crucial to maintain strong social connections and not be swept away by a tendency toward isolation. Conversely, as there is a desire to meet and broaden new horizons, solitude can be very difficult this year. It may feel heavy, as might the lack of freedom. Thus, finding the right balance between solitary moments, the necessary caution learned from life’s lessons, and openness to new encounters is essential.
Risk of Indecision: With such powerful intuition, as this is fundamentally a spiritual year, it may prove challenging to make clear decisions or keep one's feet on the ground. Allow yourself the necessary time to evaluate the different options available to you, without restraining yourself. Follow the heart's momentum.
Emotional Management: Moments of stress and tension may arise. It is important to establish stress management techniques, such as meditation, yoga, or other calming practices, and to diligently practice teachings to maintain emotional and vibrational balance. Preserve your sleep and avoid getting lost in the irrational. Balance must be preserved. The rigor of 2024 also serves as a nurturing framework to align with.
Thus, a wise balance between seizing the momentum to do what we deeply desire and reflecting calmly before acting is necessary…
Cultivate Patience: Often, growth and success take time. Be patient with yourself and with others, as each step forward counts. This year presents many new opportunities, but like all births, it is also important to take the time for gestation. The child arrives at the right moment for it. Forcing it can lead to many complications.
Need for Renewal: This will be persistent throughout the year, so remember that everything comes in due time to those who know how to wait. Use this time to establish, install, and implement at your own pace. Don’t wait! Prepare for change. Put it in place. Refer to numerology; the number 9 also represents the time of maturation, analogous to pregnancy. This year may lead you to give birth to a new project and, above all, to yourself.
Express Your Creativity: Engage in activities that stimulate your imagination and allow you to express your originality. Whether through art, writing, or other forms of expression, let your creativity flow. Here, it’s not just artistic but also technological, scientific, and computer-related. All fields will be impacted by the abundant creativity of the energies of 2025! Inspiration will be given to us, so innovate! Venture forth! Discover yourself and your life from different perspectives!
Don’t Wait to Live: 2025 asks us to live fully!
Listen to Your Intuition: Do not underestimate the power of your instinct. Ensure that you make decisions based on what you deeply feel, even if it requires courage.
Strengthen Your Bonds: Invest in your relationships. Take the time to spend quality moments with friends and loved ones who support you, as these connections will be invaluable throughout the year. Balance in all areas becomes essential in daily life, as does the quality of relationships.
The Year of the Wood Snake promises to be a period rich in opportunities, growth, and intuition. By harnessing this surrounding energy, you can make significant progress on your personal and professional paths. Stay open to new experiences and listen to your inner voice to successfully navigate through this dynamic and completely ascensional year! It will revolutionize our daily lives in many ways, and we are ready for it! Thank you, 2024, for the powerful protection and guidance of the Dragon. We have learned well. 🙏
Channeling of the Wood Snake
First, calculate your Life Path number:
It reveals your most fulfilling life direction and the main challenges to tackle in this incarnation.
Day of Birth + Month of Birth + Year of Birth = Reduce the result to a two-digit number and then to a single digit, except for the Master Numbers 11, 22, and 33.
Life Path:
12/06/2002 = 1 + 2 + 0 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 2 = 13 = 4
Here, the Life Path is 4, passing through 13.
You can also calculate it this way:
12 + 6 + 2002 = 2020 = 22 = 4
Here, the Life Path is still 4 but passing through 22.
This does not yield the same information to take into account. They are all valid and important.
In this example, the Life Path is indeed 4. However, to get a complete interpretation, you will need to read the explanations for both the numbers 4 and 22.
Then calculate your Karmic Date on your Life Path:
Karmic Date:
Day of Birth (not reduced) + Month of Birth (not reduced) + Year of Birth (not reduced)
This indicates an important passage, whether good or difficult, on the life path. Often a key date, a turning point in existence.
12 + 06 + 2002 = 2020
Refer to what you experienced on this date. If it is a future date, it means that this year will be important and should attract your full attention for its successful realization. If it has passed, a good or difficult event was karmically significant on that date, which should be consciously acknowledged and released if needed to avoid repetition.
Now calculate your Personal Year number:
The Personal Year number is useful for assessing the general trend of the current or upcoming year. Your Personal Year is a strong indication of the trends and circumstances you will experience throughout the year.
Personal Year Number:
Day of Birth + Month of Birth + Current Year =
For our example:
12/06/2025 = 1 + 2 + 0 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 =
Personal Year 18 = 9
You will need to read the explanation for the number 9 of the Personal Year.
And also the meaning of the number 18.
For our example, the person will refer to the meanings below of the numbers 4, 22, and 9. They will provide the complete trend for their year 2025.
If your Life Path number equals your Personal Year number, the meanings are reinforced.
2025 is a 9 Year in Numerology
The number 9 is often considered a symbol of completion, wisdom, and altruism, emphasizing:
Completion and End of Cycles:
The year 2025 will be marked by the closure of various projects or cycles. It is a propitious time to take stock of your journey and end what no longer serves you, whether in personal relationships, professional careers, or old passions.
We will feel the desire and need to put an end to various oppressions endured over the years. A social revolution may arise, demanding truth, sincerity, and justice in the face of media and political corruption.
Humanity and Social Sensitivity:
The vibration of 9 encourages heightened social awareness. The collective will be more driven to engage in the consciousness of “WE,” to open up to other dimensional realities, and to defend causes close to their hearts while seeking concrete ways to contribute positively to society as a whole.
Emotional and Spiritual Exploration:
This number also incites an in-depth exploration of the emotional and spiritual dimensions of life. Greater introspection will be encouraged, leading everyone to connect with their inner essence and seek higher meaning in their daily actions. Everything will invite us to give the best of ourselves, a whole new engaged version by the end of 2024—remember the guidance…
Compassion and Empathy:
The energy of 9 fosters empathy and compassion for others. Interpersonal relationships may benefit from this energy, as the desire/need to surround ourselves with others, better understand and support others in their struggles and successes, and to lend a helping hand becomes a particular focus. The return of shared values and a need for fun is also strong, as boredom was felt in 2024, or loneliness. It’s an opportunity to meet new people, enroll in courses, attend gatherings, go to festive and cultural places, help, and share.
Family and Children:
Attention will also be directed toward children we have or wish to have, considering the time we spend with them or not enough. Reflecting on the child we once were and caring for our inner child. Sharing good times with family, restoring it, releasing our lineage at the transgenerational karmic level will be significantly facilitated this year. Building a new couple, a new family, and also taking care of our parents as adult children will crown the year with success! Especially if you are tired of your solitude, it is time to find at least a chosen family and surround yourself positively and sustainably. The year is favorable for this.
Key Themes for 2025:
Liberation and Detachment:
With the influence of the number 9, as for this capital birthing vibration this year, it will be crucial to free ourselves from the burdens of the past, to make the certain and decisive passage of thinking and acting differently, to explore our new paradigm that is taking shape in 2025. We saw in 2024 that we needed to learn to respect ourselves more by stepping into our personal power on one side and rigor on the other, building a secure framework made of organization and discipline, and knowing when to let go, sort, organize, and make decisive choices to restore balance in all areas.
In 2025, we give birth! The gestation has lasted long enough! This can include resolving unresolved conflicts, letting go, overcoming limiting beliefs, or even parting with certain material possessions that no longer serve us, moving, changing work environments—anything that no longer brings joy or satisfaction. We leave behind the past and make way for a great and immense renewal that feels good.
Positive Contributions to Society:
This year encourages engagement in the collective, groups, and associations, and in activities that benefit others. Whether through volunteering, mentoring, or other forms of community service, finding ways to make a positive impact on collective well-being will be extremely rewarding personally but will go much further.
There is a divine will guiding us toward the consciousness of "We," as well as embodying our true nature to realize ourselves better and thus give the best of ourselves.
Offering Our Personal Message to the World:
As long as you are aligned with your body, heart, soul, and spirit in Solar Coherence, then everything will be accomplished!
Introspection and Personal Reflection:
The 9 calls for reflection. Take the time to evaluate your life goals, deep aspirations, and what brings you authentic satisfaction. Introspection can lead to significant revelations and a renewal of energy in your life. The feeling of evaluation will last long and will be intense from January to March. Then again in June, necessary introspection, followed by August, September, and November. We will alternate between knowing what we want, setting it in motion, modifying it to suit us better, waiting, adjusting, and finally getting it right! We will arrive in 2026! But rest assured, this is completely normal, as in 2026, the renewal established this year will bear fruit, expand, or truly begin! 2026 being a 1 year, that’s when we will start and begin a lot of new things in our lives! For now, we are sorting, setting the framework, elevating, taking action, and gradually radiating to accomplish.
In 2024, we needed to frame, sort, lighten, organize, mature, and balance everything.
In 2025, we finalize, deepen, clearly shed the past and everything that does not elevate us, we look inward while stepping into our power, embracing renewal, and opening up to strong new possibilities for expansion.
In 2026, we will distinctly begin all the renewal put in place and live the expansion seeded in 2025, or open to even more wonderful and just possibilities. Here lies a true notion of personal and/or socio-political and global revolution.
Evolution and Transformation:
The year will be particularly conducive to personal transformation. We will feel the need to reevaluate our priorities and make choices that reflect our true essence and deep aspirations. No more half-measures, lukewarmness, passivity, or difficulty—we will activate all available levers and go for it!
Practice Gratitude: Follow your intuition and the monthly or daily guidance that I hope will provide you with the path to follow to navigate your boat throughout the year, as certain months will be intense.
Engage in Altruistic Acts of Kindness: Whether through simple gestures or more significant actions, seek ways to bring light into the lives of others as much as your own. This can strengthen your bonds and help you feel surrounded and secure. This will be necessary this year. Enjoyments, sharing, opening up to others, to culture, to other places, to travel.
Take Stock of Your Life: Take the time to review your achievements and relationships. What deserves to be reinforced, and what should be left behind to move forward serenely? I remind you—we are giving birth… to ourselves, to a new cycle, to a great renewal coming, to a new behavior more conducive to our ascension.
Cultivate Meditation and Reflection: Dedicate time to meditation or other spiritual practices to connect with your inner self and deep aspirations. This will help you find the clarity and inner peace needed to navigate the challenges of the year. Integrate and apply the teachings given in in-person and e-learning sessions, which I hope will help you just as much.
The year 2025, under the powerful influence of the number 9, represents a period rich in opportunities for completion, introspection, and altruistic engagement. By embracing these themes and remaining open to the transformations that will present themselves on your path, you can navigate successfully through the challenges and opportunities that will mark this year. All the teachings given in 2024 have prepared you well for this. Now it’s your turn to act!
Meanings of Life Path and/or Personal Number in 2025:
The aspects are reinforced from the moment of your birthday in the year 2025.
I repeat, if you have a life path that shares the same number as your personal year, all aspects are enhanced, but it is also an incredible opportunity to heal and positively evolve by fulfilling your soul missions.
In-Depth Numerological Guidance for 2025 by Life Path
Life Path 1:
There may be some tension as you struggle with everything you need to let go of to be reborn and expand. Affirming yourself, setting your boundaries, and holding your convictions continues in this new year, along with a need to release the ego and the comforting control. The 9 year will be perfect for working with groups and will encourage you to open up to partnerships, which might create some small tensions since, as a 1, you have learned to do everything by yourself or a lot, and now you are being asked to reconnect with others. As your solitude weighs on you, and since you are looking to lessen your mental load, you will be guided toward more sharing, discovering a new dimension in your relationships with others. This year you might make a significant connection in your life: your Alter Ego. However, remember to meditate on your personal desires and motivations, as it’s important to return to yourself, prioritize yourself, and not lose yourself in others or in too much isolation, nor in the role of the savior you've played for too long. You are opening up to a new cycle filled with successes and achievements, so open your heart and wings wide; this year will propel you into the spotlight! The more you show the new, mature version of yourself, the more you will set your boundaries, and the more you will gain and experience triumph!
Life Path 2:
Relationships will be at the heart of your experience. You will end as many relationships as you begin; you will finish, sort, and renew. This will require a lot of presence for yourself and others and might somewhat overwhelm you. You will want to do many things, often at once, and be available for your friends or your new, higher-quality relationships. Learning to set healthy boundaries and to temper some passions or anger will be a challenge. This will be an opportunity to heal old relational wounds and practice open and honest communication with your loved ones. It is likely that you will commit this year, whether in love, at work, or with friends or family. Your word will be respected, but beware of those who turn their backs on you; you will not forgive them. If you desire a child or have a significant project, this year is favorable for it!
Life Path 3:
This year is a jackpot for you! As long as you can do, say, and be freely, what an expansion! Remember to center yourself before acting; do not rush in blindly, and use another means of communication to arrange things or enhance them. You will explore new avenues of artistic expression or communication, with the desire to be in harmony with what you do. Use your creativity to help others, which will reinforce your own sense of self-worth. Take the time to dedicate yourself to creative projects that you are passionate about. Consider volunteering activities that incorporate your artistic talent, or share your talent with the world through what you create. A family atmosphere amidst karmic healing will be the backdrop for unexpected triggers.
Life Path 4:
The 9 year will require you to let go of certain rigid structures, which can be difficult if you are a perfectionist, but it will also encourage you to establish new, solid, and well-structured foundations. You will have expectations of others that you place on yourself. You may feel an increased need for security, and at the same time, you will do everything to build it. Meditation or mindfulness exercises to strengthen your resilience in the face of change by adopting a kinder and more just perspective on yourself will be highly beneficial. Great new work opportunities are on the way. It will also be the chance to realize one of your dreams! So congratulations, because this year you have all the tools at your disposal, and you will know how to use them to your advantage. You will give birth to a long process of resilience, a child, or a project that will come to fruition, and the progress will be spectacular!
Life Path 5:
This year is cutting, slicing; it’s no joke. You feel suffocated and need to experience new, great, and beautiful adventures, dear 5s. Commitment and its values will strongly return to you, with either disengagements or a leap into the void but without giving in to your deep need for freedom. The 9 year might confront you with difficult choices requiring discipline, rigor, and a deep listening to your needs above all else, in all areas. It’s challenging but achievable! You will discover a new form of freedom in how to achieve your goals, bringing enriching experiences. For once, they will be clear, structured, and realistic. Engage in activities that nourish you personally and push you to surpass yourself, as you need to experience personal victories. A wind is blowing. It speaks of great renewal and absolute freedom through new experiences.
Life Path 6:
What harmony this year for you, dear 6s! You will complete a beautiful project, reaching the end of a fruitful cycle, delivering to the world a new way of being and doing that will succeed and bring you much satisfaction. The 9 year will encourage you to focus on your own needs while balancing the support that others will ask of you, as you will be very paternal or maternal toward them. Your own children, if you have them, or your close friends, will likely ask for too much, which at times will drain your energy and leave you fatigued. Remember to reserve some rejuvenating solo moments. This will be an opportunity to develop your empathy and compassion in a more balanced way, learning to prioritize your own well-being. Engage in activities that strengthen your sense of identity outside of your caregiver role. Take care of your body and relaxation. A long-held secret project or one within you will come to fruition.
Life Path 7:
The 9 year may push you to step out of your comfort zone, confronting you with moments of solitude or profound introspection. Sometimes desired, sometimes imposed, this spiritual introspection will give you a great need to turn to a Master, an incarnate Guide, to listen and learn from wise teachings and to meet valuable people. You will need answers, with fewer contacts but prioritizing quality above all. Reflections and meditations will be powerful and numerous throughout the year. You will not easily open up, and you must use caution and sincerity to approach others. You have a great need for values and security and will reassess everything for a spectacular rebirth next year. You will deepen your spirituality, the meaning of your existence, and the mysteries of life. The strong need for understanding will help you discover profound truths. Don’t forget to share and change your perspective, even though this path of silence back to yourself will transform you and allow you to experience a remarkable ascension that no previous year could bring you. You will emerge transformed, enriched, sincere, upright, and just. This will be perfect for experiencing great successes in 2026!
Life Path 8:
This is a year of leveling up! Of work and goals to achieve. Integrity, uprightness, harmony, rectification, laying the groundwork, construction, and justice will challenge you to reevaluate your material goals. Beautiful opportunities will present themselves, allowing you a stunning and beautiful leveling-up, as long as you get to work. No procrastination, fears, or doubts to listen to; you need to charge ahead, dare, think big, and grow as well. Increase all areas of your life by fully living all your needs. Strong reassessments will arise in love and work, requiring necessary introspection regarding your true needs. Yet you will clearly give birth to a new personality, more accomplished, having matured last year. You will learn to balance your ambitions with altruistic values, thereby transforming your approach to success since your need for sharing and freedom will bring forth new opportunities and relationships. You will need to think big, but especially to live it, literally shattering your glass ceiling as you will need passion to live fully. Half-measures will not suit you this year. Stay available for quality moments and relaxation with family.
Life Path 9:
What a year of transformation and fulfillment for you, dear 9s! You might feel the pressure to close certain chapters of your life, as well as a great desire to do so. You will heal from a difficult past, completing a powerful birthing process that has demanded your attention and energy over the last 9 years. You are reaching a turning point in your life, and this one is very promising, full of successes and long-awaited healings. You will need to learn to let go of what no longer serves you, especially in toxic relationships that often fall below your capabilities and performance. It’s time to think big, to end the smallness, and to bestow the greatness that is truly yours! To fully step into your sovereignty, using your charms, your beautiful harmony, and your talents to allow a whole new way of living to emerge starting in June, leading to beautiful and great successes! Travel, the unknown, sincere sharing, a powerful new love, a soulmate connection that is both easy and strong, a sacred karmic bond will visit you this year, marking the occasion to begin a beautiful life together. New projects will come to fruition, a child, a wonderful adventure, an increase in your intuitive abilities as well. You will definitively leave the painful past behind you. Opportunities for personal growth and transformation, embracing your inner wisdom and sharing your knowledge, will be numerous and beautiful. They will provide all the necessary soil for a new cycle starting in 2026, where you will finally experience lasting happiness. So congratulations! Your whole new phase of life begins!
Life Path 11:
As a Master Life Path, you often face challenges related to sensitivity and intuition. In 2025, you may experience heightened emotional intensity, which can be overwhelming. The 9 year will ask you to let go of fears and doubts that hold you back and to develop your inner wisdom to experience a great ascension. You will be called to use your gifts to inspire others and help them heal. This is especially a fabulous opportunity to expand your spiritual and conscious abilities. To grow! To increase your knowledge and offer yourself entirely new possibilities for beautiful adventures! New love, new momentum, significant meetings, a progressing job, you will open up to other worlds, other social groups, and/or discover new hobbies or finally take the time to engage in hobbies you have long desired. Taking care of yourself is encouraged. Engage in spiritual practices like meditation or yoga to balance your emotions. Seek calm and soothing environments that promote your well-being. Surround yourself with valuable and healthy people who elevate you. You will no longer tolerate toxicity, unhealthy individuals, or corruption and will advocate for secure sharing values. Your sensitivity and knowledge will increase this year. You will seek peace, beauty, and harmony in everything. It’s a beautiful year that will transform you. Seize the opportunities.
Life Path 22:
As a Master Builder number, you may face challenges related to managing your ambitions. The 9 year will require you to reevaluate your long-term objectives and let go of those that no longer serve your evolution. You have the capacity to accomplish grand projects. This year will offer you opportunities to establish solid foundations for the future, using your vision to inspire others to join you. Take the time to plan your projects carefully. Use time management tools to ensure that you remain focused on your priorities. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or collaborate with others to maximize your impact. Your potential will open up and flourish in this rich year for you. A stunning transformation awaits you in certain months! At times, you will need to be strong, often just and upright, sometimes relentless, putting an end to what needs to be stopped, but you will always be very compassionate toward yourself and others. Your ability to gather and create will be multiplied. Your imagination will be overflowing, and you will be well guided to bring about a whole new awareness around you and build a great renewal! Both in your life and in offering the world a great new project, vibration, which will bear fruit over time and yield beautiful seeds of renewal. This year, dare to be yourself, dare to do things big, and no longer limit yourself. You are giving birth to yourself! Celebrate your rebirth.
Life Path 33:
As a Master Teacher number, you will face challenges related to the emotional responsibility you feel toward others. The 9 year will call upon your great intelligence and sensitivity. You will be asked to learn to set healthy boundaries and not to be overwhelmed by the need to help or constantly build. You need to pause, release, give birth to, and complete your new projects that have been swirling in your mind and heart for a long time! You are finally emerging, dear 33s! You will manage not to scatter yourself or feel lost in a lack of self-consideration, and that is a tremendous victory! You will deepen your ability to heal and inspire others. Money and material aspects will also be among your priorities to restore or increase your security. You will be invited to share your wisdom and knowledge, thus creating a positive impact in the lives of those around you. You may hold conferences, meetings, lead projects for the collective or groups; you will build and surround yourself better with people capable of executing the tasks you assign them. Establish self-care practices to maintain your emotional balance. Engage in projects that nourish your spirit and heart, and don’t hesitate to take time for yourself to recharge. The search for great love could lead you to miss a beautiful relationship, simpler, certainly in less extraordinarily passionate terms, but so easy to live and so beneficial for you! Friendly or professional reassessments will draw your attention.
Ascensional year 9
2025 arcane 9 en TAROT
In Tarot, 2025 is associated with the symbolism of the Hermit card!
This year teaches us:
Year 9 is often seen as a year of conclusion, transformation, and preparation for new beginnings.
In tarology, Year 9 is linked to the Hermit card or the Sage:
We will collectively experience the end of a cycle.
This may manifest as the conclusion of projects, the release of old habits, or the necessity to close chapters in various aspects of our lives and to correct old social behaviors to give birth to wonderful new ones.
Undoubtedly, it is a moment of great collective transformation, and it will be political.
We will all be called to reevaluate ourselves, reflect on our past experiences, and make choices that bring us closer to our true essence.
Everything will encourage us to adopt a new, wiser, and more altruistic behavior, without forgetting ourselves for a single moment. Let us remember 2024 and its lesson of balance. Here, the commitment we make to ourselves as well as to others may translate into more altruistic actions, community initiatives, or a desire to positively impact the world, to engage in a cause close to our hearts, and to fight together to improve societal and collective life. The notion of territory and homeland is very vivid, but WITHOUT any wars. On the contrary, it’s about defending one’s country and values through firm and possibly strict laws and actions, not through conflict.
We will free ourselves from burdens. We will shed emotional weights and attachments that no longer serve our ascension, our consciousness development, our well-being, our growth, and our happiness, but with a collective dimension, impacting the entire world. This involves relationships, beliefs, or situations that hinder our development.
"The Sage" or "The Hermit" evokes themes of inner search, reflection, and wisdom.
Here are some key elements:
Introspection: The Hermit symbolizes the need to withdraw to seek answers within oneself. Learning new knowledge. Entering into wisdom. Discovering one’s full powers and potential. Reflection, discernment, and self-analysis are essential.
Wisdom and Guidance: This arcana also represents wisdom gained through experience. In 2025, it is an opportunity to learn lessons from the past and apply them to future situations. Not repeating everything we have already tested, thus accessing new knowledge. As mentioned earlier, these will be technological, informational, spiritual revelations, and even extraterrestrial lives. All our concepts will shatter for a total great renewal! To live better!
Solitude and Clarity: The Hermit suggests that solitude can bring clarity. This may be a call to spend time alone, in silence, in union with the Divine to better understand one’s aspirations and needs. The Hermit in his cave withdraws from the world not to escape life but to know its unique taste and value. He withdraws from distractions, the futile, and the unnecessary to pursue his quest for truth. This inner retreat will, on the contrary, revive his senses and amplify his reality through the knowledge he will apply and then share through a new, wiser, and more conscious behavior.
Reflection and Closure: Just as Year 9 calls for closure, to finish, move on, be born, and reborn, the Hermit encourages contemplation of the richness of living. All this invites the closing of past chapters to open the way for new present and future possibilities. Reinventing oneself, renewing oneself. Starting anew.
Service and Altruism: Year 9, focused on serving others, aligns with the wisdom of the Hermit, which can inspire guiding others through knowledge and experience. Here too, the notion of a collective behavioral renewal emerges. The divisions experienced in recent years could finally find harmony, tending to unite us on important and necessary subjects for our collective evolution. A profound reflection is taking place, revealing the truth, and a deep wisdom may spread among awakened peoples and those gaining awareness.
A new spirituality emerges: More genuine, less commercial, returning to its deep and luminous values, faith lived without dogma, multidimensional revelations regarding time and space, life elsewhere in extraterrestrial forms—everything will gradually be revealed, honoring the true presence of Divine Love and the Guides surrounding us. Religions may fall, and True Incarnate Masters will be sought after.
Personal Transformation: A quest for inner truth and the need to leave behind what no longer serves our growth. We will significantly evolve to manifest an important and new consciousness opening. Considering many sufferings and global political corruption, the collective will need powerful and deep renewal, generating a completely new foundation that could lead to a positive revolution starting in March, June, and next year.
Implications for 2025:
Opportunities for Growth: The call to focus and refocus on what is important, the essential, healthy values, taking stock of their lives, and considering significant changes will push the collective to improve. Emerging from global crises to make peace will be the major issue. For the Hermit does not engage in war, does not submit, does not dominate; he is in a Non-Dual posture of wisdom.
Community Engagement: Collective actions and the desire to help others could be central themes. Projects aimed at improving society or supporting social causes will be numerous. Major political reshuffling is coming, along with revelations of corruption and atrocities that will show how much needs to be rebuilt. Collective engagement becomes essential to extricate ourselves from situations that restrict freedoms and healthy values.
Wisdom and Teaching: In 2025, there may be an opportunity to learn from past lessons, to use this wisdom to guide others, and to integrate these learnings into daily life.
This is a year of introspection, closure of cycles, and the search for a positive impact on oneself and the world. This combination offers a powerful potential for personal and collective growth, calling each person to reconnect with their true essence and embrace the necessary changes to move forward.
Key Words for the Year 2025
As you can see, 2025 represents a year of ascension and heightened consciousness, where wisdom and compassion will be key elements for navigating the challenges ahead. Commitment to oneself and to others, as well as the willingness to build a better future, will be essential for achieving the desired transformations. By uniting our strengths and honoring our true essence, we can collectively work towards a world of peace, love, and light.
There is so much to say that I certainly haven't noted everything,
but it’s important to put this guidance online...
May this guidance help and guide you throughout your year as a beacon, a tool to which you can return to find your way.
Wishing you an excellent year of Ascension in the 9 vibration, my dears!
And thank you once again for your loyal, kind, and ever-growing presence during my 26th year of teachings and guidance in this life.
With Gratitude,
As you can see from this guidance, 2025 is a rich and ascensional year!
for all that we will accomplish together this year in service of
Collective Ascension
You may share this text as long as you preserve its entirety, including this line, and do not use it for commercial purposes. Virginie Lascension,